Surfs up

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Went surfing in Santa Cruz (at Cowells beach) for my dad’s birthday. While the water is definitely nippy, my wetsuit kept me surprisingly warm, my hands just paid the price. I thought the waves were a nice size and relatively easy to catch. I definitely need to work on my balance but that’s where my slackline comes into play… more on that to come! 🙂

Summa Lovin’

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Hung out in Foothill’s park to soak up the first bit of sun since I’ve been home. It’s been quite chilly lately (especially for Palo Alto summers) and I’m not appreciating it one bit after leaving the frozen tundra called Michigan.

Eggs Benedict

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For the birthday brunch, my friend and I shared a crab cake eggs benedict with cavier on top (incredibly delicious) and the lobster scramble (still good but not to die for).

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats


I’m currently reading “The Art of Hearing Heartbeats” by Jan-Philipp Sendker and it is fantastic. I definitely suggest it if you’re looking for a new book to engulf yourself in. It follows a young woman as she searches for her Burmese father who randomly disappeared years earlier. Throughout her journey she is taught so much about life, suffering, and consciousness. I found I enjoy it because the storyline is constantly flowing in the background, giving us something to follow, but the outlook the characters have on life is so very refreshing.

Go Blue


Look what I spotted in the Stanford shopping mall parking lot… Go blue!! (I miss AA so much 😦 . Counting down the days, or months I suppose, until I can go back)